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Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Breasts enlargement by own body fat

Breasts enlargement by own body fat

In these days (in few countries) doctors from specialist clinics of plastic surgery promote a new surgical method which can help women to achieve bigger natural looking breasts by own adipose tissue.
Interesting in this method is the fact that there are not used any implants here but only poor own body fat enriched for stem cells, previously removed from the problematic areas of client. The whole operation takes place only with local anaesthesia, without narcoses, so it does not require total narcotizing of patient.
And what is the reconvalescence after this operation? Woman who undergoes this breast enlargement method, is able to go to work next day after the operation. However, it is recommended to rest 2-3 days, because in this operation is performed also tumescent liposuction. Interesting is that removal of fat alone represents more difficult intervention than breasts enlargement alone by own fat stem cells. Symptoms are minimal and in few days are over. Particular attention should be paid to only body position in sleep – few days after this operation is it nod recommended to lie on abdomen.
So what does it cost? 10 000 EUR !
(For those who’s money budget is limited stay, please, with Fab Breast Enlargement Program.)


Anonymous said...

I think that is better way to enlarge your breast. Mostly doctors are also first prefer this way for breast enlargement for women and I heard mostly womens are also first prefer for her breast enlargement,
Breast enlargement

Leigh Griffin said...

I'm scared by this procedure. I preferred natural breast enlargement instead.